Priest Lake

Spring Festival

46th Annual Arts and Crafts Fair

May 25th and 26th, 2024

Vendor Information Sheet

Please read all the rules and requirements. Then submit your completed application with the hold ​harmless agreement and health permit (if needed) along with payment to the Coolin Civic

Organization, PO Box 123, Coolin, ID 83821.

All participating vendors will receive a sales tax form at time of check in; if you have a sales tax ​number, have it with you at this time (You will not be given your booth space until the form is filled ​out). Payment of Idaho sales tax, is the sole responsibility of the vendor. Vendors may have tax ​questions answered by contacting the Idaho State Tax Commission at (208)769-1500.

Hours: Booths will be open: Saturday, May 25th from 9:00am to 3:00pm

Sunday, May 26th from 9:00am to 3:00pm

All booths must be staffed during these hours. There will be NO tear down prior to 3 P.M. on

Sunday. All vendors that leave early without approval from vendor coordinator will not be

invited to attend future festivals. If you are not able to stay until 3 P.M. on Sunday, please do not

register for this event.

Food vendors: Food vendors must comply with all Idaho requirements for operation of a booth ​including obtaining proper Health Department permits. For information call 208-415-5100, or mail ​questions to the Panhandle Health District at 8500 N Atlas Hayden, Idaho 83835. No booth may sell ​food items unless they have proper health permits and meet all Panhandle Health District

requirements. In addition, any booth serving food items must provide proof of liability insurance.

Proof of liability insurance and health permit must accompany the application.

Vendors: In order to maintain a quality Arts and Crafts Fair and to help promote your sales by ​consistent standards, items MUST BE HANDCRAFTED by you. New Vendors must submit a

detailed description and picture of your items with your application.

Insurance: As a vendor you are responsible for liability insurance (your homeowner’s policy may ​cover this liability insurance). The Spring Festival, Coolin Civic Organization, and the property owner ​have no responsibility for injury to the vendor or vendor’s employees, guests, and customers. Any ​losses or damages to the vendor’s vehicle(s), booth(s), merchandise, equipment, and supplies are also ​not the responsibility of the Spring Festival or Coolin Civic Organization. It is the vendor’s ​responsibility to be certain all vehicles, booths, merchandise, equipment, and supplies are secured.

Booth size: The standard booth size for this event is 10’x10’. Spaces will be marked prior to the ​event by the Spring Festival Vendor Coordinator. Booths exceeding 10’x10’ will require payment for ​additional space.

Maximum of two vendors per booth. You may not sell any other items that are not listed on your ​application.

Fees: The cost is $100.00 for standard booth spaces or $110.00 for food spaces. There will be ​electrical power available for a limited number of vendors for an additional charge of $25.00.

Booth location: The Arts and Crafts Fair is in Coolin, ID. The fair is set up 250 yards east of ​Dickensheet Road on Cavanaugh Bay Road. Specific location for each vendor booth will be ​determined by the Vendor Coordinator, so it is important for vendors to provide accurate information ​regarding their needs. Booth locations will be marked on the grass by number. Check in at the Craft ​Fair station near the driveway to the set-up area to obtain your booth location information.





All tables, chairs, tents, canopies, extension cords, powers strips, garbage cans, and other

equipment needed in the operation of the booth are the responsibility of the vendor. (Extension cords ​should be at least 100 feet long.) Food operations provide garbage cans for their customers

and will not leave food out overnight. There are bears in the area. The Craft Fair staff will provide ​garbage pick-up. Please do not leave boxes/packaging for us to pick up, take them home with you.

Set-up: Set-up will begin on Friday May 26th at 1:00pm (unless you make other arrangements) until ​dark. The Vendor Coordinator will only be on site from 1:00pm until 6:00pm. Set up on Saturday will ​begin at 7:00am and the Vendor Coordinator will also be on site at that time. If you set up on Saturday ​you need to have approval from the Vendor Coordinator BEFORE Saturday. Vendor trucks and

trailers need to be out of the event area by 8:30am on Saturday morning. Vendor vehicles will not be ​allowed in the event area during the fair.

Tear-down: Tear-down time starts Sunday at 3:00pm and no earlier. Vendors must remain open the ​entire scheduled hours. NO EARLY DEPARTURES! If a vendor departs prior to 3pm on Sunday ​without prior approval from vendor coordinator, the vendor faces not being allowed to attend future ​festivals. If you’re not able to stay for the full scheduled festival hours, please do not sign up.

Pets: No animals are allowed, except for service animals.

The submission of a completed application does not guarantee participation in the Spring Festival Arts ​and Crafts Fair. You must be very specific about the products you will be selling, and all products are ​subject to approval by the Spring Festival Committee. Vendor applications that are not accepted will ​be returned with an explanation and your check.

Your signature on the application will indicate

you have read and agree to abide by all rules established by the Spring Festival Committee ​regarding operation of a booth at the Spring Festival and that you will stay until the end of the ​festival at 3pm on Sunday.

For additional questions please contact:

Vendor Coordinator at 208-559-5667, or

(Please use Spring Festival as part of the subject along with your vendor registered name). Contact by text or email is preferred.